Poleese Towing & Auto Repair is a reliable, trustworthy towing company serving Camden, Gloucester and surrounding counties in New Jersey, PA and Delaware.
No one wants to be in the position where they need to have a vehicle towed due to mechanical failure or even worse, an accident. Having a towing company that you can rely on and trust to deliver your vehicle with care makes your unpleasant exerience less stressfull. Check with us for our reasonable pricing for all of your vehicle delivery and repair needs.
Poleese Towing is dedicated to providing you quick response and special care to deliver your vehicle to your destination. We are AAA and Wreckmaster certified and specialize in recovery, abandonment, impound and can handle the delicate delivery of your vehicle.
We are experienced with the special needs associated with the pick up and delivery of exotic, classic and anitque vehicles. We will safely and delicately deliver your vehicle to give you the peace of mind that you have called the best!