Kris Konstruction is a True Design and Build Contractor. We listen to you and your specific needs for your home remodeling or expansion project! We currently serve Harford, Cecil, Baltimore, Howard and Anne Arundel Counties. Call today and ask about our price match guarantee!
(*excludes insurance work, restrictions apply)
Kris Konstruction can help you with any number of home remodels projects throughout your home, with specialties including:
- Sunrooms & Additions
- Master Suite Additions
- Kitchen Additions
- Kitchen Remodeling
- Bathroom Remodeling
- Basements
- Screen Rooms & Decks
- Hail and Wind Damage Repair
Licensed in MD & PA
MD. – MHIC#45316
PA. – 07138
FL. – CCC1327799
MD. – MHIC#45316
PA. – 07138
FL. – CCC1327799