Work Hours
Auto Service
FREE Estimates.Mobile automotive mechanic with a true passion for this line of work. I've been wrenching on vehicles for many years and my prices are the most affordable you can find. All makes and models.
$55 hour depending on services needed.
Handyman Service
FREE Estimates.Home repair. $55 hour. This includes Framing, Drywall, texture, painting, electrical, etc. Deck building/repair, cazebo, pergola, and most carpentry. Light and fan installation, wiring, and appliance repair.
10% discount to first responders and seniors.
I take pride into my work skills and ethic and have a true passion for this career.
Interior Painting
FREE Estimates.Home repair. $55 hour. This includes Framing, Drywall, texture, painting, electrical, etc. Deck building/repair, cazebo, pergola, and most carpentry. Light and fan installation, wiring, and appliance repair.
10% discount to first responders and seniors.
I take pride into my work skills and ethic and have a true passion for this career.
Plumbing Installation
FREE Estimates.Home repair. $55 hour. This includes Framing, Drywall, texture, painting, electrical, etc. Deck building/repair, cazebo, pergola, and most carpentry. Light and fan installation, wiring, and appliance repair.
10% discount to first responders and seniors.
I take pride into my work skills and ethic and have a true passion for this career.
Pool Maintenance
FREE Estimates.Home repair. $55 hour. This includes Framing, Drywall, texture, painting, electrical, etc. Deck building/repair, cazebo, pergola, and most carpentry. Light and fan installation, wiring, and appliance repair.
10% discount to first responders and seniors.
I take pride into my work skills and ethic and have a true passion for this career.
Siding Repair
FREE Estimates.Home repair. $55 hour. This includes Framing, Drywall, texture, painting, electrical, etc. Deck building/repair, cazebo, pergola, and most carpentry. Light and fan installation, wiring, and appliance repair.
10% discount to first responders and seniors.
I take pride into my work skills and ethic and have a true passion for this career.
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