A very important thing to put on your Spring Cleaning to-do list is a check-up for your air conditioning system. The Spring weather will quickly turn into hot Summer days so being proactive about making sure your air conditioning system is in tip top working order is important.
Your home air conditioning system is a very important piece of equipment with many components that should be inspected before the hot weather of the summer. Some steps that a local professional heating and cooling company will take during a time check-up include:
Inspect The Conditioning Unit – A visual inspection of the unit is done to check for things like rust, corrosion, standing water, leaking fluids, signs of overheating, and air duct cleaning that may need to be performed. This is an important first step as it can give clues as to anything that might be damaged inside of the air conditioning unit.
Inspect Electrical and Internal Components – Test the control systems. This includes the switches, capacitors, circuit boards, and wiring. Inspecting the wiring is especially important as the thermostat of your unit is what determines the output and if the wiring is loose or faulty it could cause permanent damage to the entire air conditioning unit
Find a local same day professional heating a/c repair company
Inspect Cooling Components – The parts inside of your air conditioning unit that make the cold air are the evaporator coil and the condensate drain line. These should be closely inspected to make sure there are not any clogs or improper connections. If these two parts of the unit are not working – you have no cold air!
Inspect The Air Conditioning Unit Function – Once all of the individual parts and pieces of the air conditioning unit have been inspected, the functionality of the overall air conditioning unit as a whole will be checked. This is to make sure that everything is working together to pump out that cold air.
Before the hot wether hits, find a local HVAC or air conditioner repair professional to inspect your air conditioning unit on samedaypros.com or by using the FREE samedaypros.com app.
The main reason to hire a “pro” is that he should be hold EPA Section 608 Certification, which requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain ozone depleting refrigerants be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques.